Every process of our mind is happening as a picture,
feeling, experience, as a state of consciousness. These processes can be categories
in five different modifications called Vritti. By cleansing the mind of these
processes we can move forward in awakening the benefits of living in the NOW. It not that these vrittis
are good or bad that makes them worthy of study, it is their effect upon the
state of our mind that is of interest
The first vritti- PRAMANA
Pramana is the correct knowledge, when we directly or indirectly
try to gain a picture or knowledge about the true nature of something.
The second vritti- VIPARYAYA
Viparyaya is the incorrect knowledge. Patanjali says: "Viparyaya
or Illusion is false knowledge formed of a thing as other than what it
is." - Yoga Sutras (I.8).
The third vritti- VIKALPA
Vikalpa is connected to our imagination and fantasy
and it is a form of delusional thinking. This is when our thought process forms
an opinion that is totally deformed because it has nothing to do with the true
state of reality.
The fourth vritti- NIDRA
Nidra are the sensations and experience that we have
while dreaming.
The fifth vritti- SMRTI
Smrti are our memories. When they shape our thinking subconsciously
they are not part of vritti, when our memory is activated and forms a picture
then they become vritti. We all have many memories, but only when we activate a
particular one in a situation our mind stars to associate that situation with
the memory and we have the same experience.
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