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(Basic health information on essential oils)

Lavender essential oil- Lavender is most commonly known for its relaxing effects on the body, therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. It may be used to cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. This oil is great for reducing stress, relieving pain, improving blood circulation, repelling insects, providing relaxation, disinfecting wounds etc.

Peppermint essential oil- It can be used aromatically, topically and internally to address a number of health concerns, from muscles aches and seasonal allergy symptoms, to low energy and digestive complaints. It’s also commonly used to boost energy levels and improve both skin and hair health.

Lemon essential oil- Lemon oil is stimulating while it is calming. It has anti-infection, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant, and anti-fungal properties. You can use lemon oil as a body cleanser, air freshener, insect repellent, to boost immune system, to soothe sore throat, for hair/nail care, for skin care (to soften the skin, as skin brightener etc.).

Lemon grass essential oil- Lemongrass is used for treating digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints, fever, the common cold, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent. Some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal pain, and muscle pain. By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain.

Eucalyptus essential oil- It’s one of the best essential oils for sore throats, cough, seasonal allergies and headaches. Eucalyptus oil benefits are due to its ability to stimulate immunity, provide antioxidant protection and improve respiratory circulation. It is also used to heal wounds, cure fungal infections, heal joint pain and as a fever reducer.

Tea tree essential oil- It is well-known for its powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds, which is why it's one of the top antibacterial essential oils. Tea tree oil is applied to the skin (used topically) for infections such as acne, fungal infections of the nail, lice, scabies, athlete's foot and ringworm. It is also used topically as a local antiseptic for cuts and abrasions, for burns, insect bites and stings, boils, toothache, infections of the mouth and nose, sore throat, and for ear infections. You can also add it to bath water to treat cough, bronchial congestion, and pulmonary inflammation.

Rosemary essential oil- Widely known as a mental stimulant, the antidepressant properties of Rosemary oil make it ideal for enhanced memory, focus and overall brain performance. It also acts as an analgesic, soothing aching, cramping muscles, headaches and migraines. As an antiseptic it helps with digestive and liver infections. It is great for skin issues as well.

Chamomile essential oil- Chamomile is a powerful calming agent, as well as antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant and overall mood lifter. It promotes skin care because it has strong anti-inflammatory properties. You can also use to support digestion; it is good for flatulence, indigestion, colic, diarrhea, and nausea. 

Caution: Some essential oil and amounts of essential oils aren’t safe for children. Consult with your doctor before using them on children. 


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