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(Improve your sex drive with fenugreek)

Fenugreek is a plant that belongs to the family fabaceae. It is mostly found through parts of Asia and the middle East. The use of this plant dates back to Ancient Egypt.

Fenugreek has the ability to promote natural testosterone levels and improve the male libido. Fenugreek contains phytochemicals called saponins and sapogenins, which are credited with raising testosterone levels and improving libido. 

Here is how to use fenugreek if you want to boost your sex drive:

1. Take one cup of hot water and spill it over one teaspoon of fenugreek seed.  Leave it for 10 minutes and then drain it. Drink it in the morning on empty stomach. You can add honey to sweeten the taste.

2. Mix together equal parts of fenugreek seed and honey. Take three teaspoons a day from the mix. 

3. Boil together one teaspoon of fenugreek  and three cups of water. Drain the tea.Drink 200 ml. of tea three times a day.

Studies show that fenugreek is not just beneficial for the male sex drive. The uses of fenugreek are plenty.
It is used to prevent weight gain, to manage heartburn, to improve skin health, to soothe menstrual pain and cramping, to stimulate labor contractions, to help breastfeeding. 

Caution: The use of fenugreek can cause some complications for pregnant women (except the last month of pregnancy) and diabetics. Consult your doctor before use.

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